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2023-04-22 12:57:24 来源:MASTER高尔夫

打高尔夫的时候,你处于哪一种模式?你知道我们的脑子为什么会习惯性地处于生存模式吗?. . .

Let’s talk about our first topic: survival vs. possibility. Let’s take a look at the first word: survival. What does it mean?



You might picture, you know, when you get ready to play a round of golf. You got your hat on, got your clubs, your bag of food and snacks. You’ve got your glove, maybe a couple of balls. You’ve been practicing the night before. You’re ready to go out there and conquer the course. At the end of the round, who usually ends up winning? Probably the course, huh? And we get all upset and frustrated. We might go back to the driving range and practice that swing again cuz it was not working. That’s how most golfers play actually. We live in a world where something is wrong. Something needs to be fixed. This is the natural human mind and almost how all golfers see the game. And it’s everywhere so much that we don’t even notice it. We’re always trying to fix something.



~~扫一扫 有惊喜!


For example, when you go to the driving range, what is your first thought? “I got to work on this, work on this. This is wrong. This is bad. This is not working.” There’s always something to fix. And sometimes we don’t even know what it is! And that’s not bad. We actually live in this world called survival. This is how it looks like. We live in a world of right or wrong, fixing and changing, lacking. There’s always something to be afraid of. And it’s limiting and stressful. It actually takes away your power as a golfer and it’s very frustrating.


Well, you may think, “how else do I play?” How else am I not fixing something? Or how do I overcome the fear or I’m not stressed? Let me introduce you the world of what’s possible. Creating a new possibility means creating a new future. So in the world of possibility, we have abundance, which means a lot of anything. We have peace, love, you love the game, life/ vitality, maybe you actually have fun playing golf. We have lots of self-expression and freedom. What kind of game would that look like to you if you play this way rather than survival! And let me show you the first part is be aware of what you’re doing.

那么,你可能就要说了,“我还有什么别的选择吗?”“不改东西我还能怎么办?”“怎么样我才能克服恐惧?”“怎么样我才能不感到压力?”我们来看一下另外一种模式:【可能性模式】。 创造一种可能意味着创造一个全新的未来。在这个模式里面,你感到富足(与生存模式中的缺失感相对),你拥有平和、爱(对高尔夫这项运动的爱)、生命力/活力(打高尔夫让你开心)。你充分地自我表达,你有自由。想象一下如果你在这样的模式里面打球(而不是生存模式),那会有多棒! 而你要做的第一步就是“对你当下的状态和模式有觉察。”







神秘兵器 巧练内功


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